Monday, December 29, 2008

Need to extract Report XML from Content Store

I have a requirement to extract/see the report xml from the Cognos Content Store. I have searched the Cognos Support site, they dont have documented the schema of the Content store tables. I searched for tables, it took lot of time and we need to remember the join conditions. Later i found a discussion thread, please find the link below.
One of the Guy in the thread suggested a SQL to extract the plain text report XML.
select, specs.spec from CRN.CMOBJNAMES_BASE names, CRN.CMOBJPROPS7 specs where names.CMID = specs.CMID and LIKE '%REPORT NAME%' -- name field is case sensitve
I am going to try this in my content store tomorrow.
I also heard about this tool in the same thread. Its for meta data management.
I want to explore what this tool is doing.

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