Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cognos Error - Exception Encountered when building the cube

Its been long time since i blogged here. Good to see you all again after a long time.
I am getting one starange error in the report - QE-DEF-0425 Exception was encountered while building the cube. We didnt get this error when devloping the report.
This error was not coming before, but it’s started coming suddenly now. The Document#: 1009022 in Cognos Knowledge Base explains the problem but does not give any appropriate solution. :-)
Please find below for the description and cause of this problem (I took from Cognos KB doc).
Intermittent error encountered when executing a cross tab report.
Error Message:
QE-DEF-0425 Exception was encountered while building the cube
RSV-SRV-0025 Unable to execute this request
The maximum size for a measure in a crosstab and chart is 19 digits. You can use the maximum of 19 integer with 0 decimal precision. The default decimal precision is 7, so 100000000000 works but 1000000000000 would generate the error.
If default precision is already been set properly, increase the cgi script timeouts on the web server.
1. Open CQEConfig.xml file from \configuration in a text editor. If the has an extension .sample, please rename it to CQEConfig.xml.
2. Change the following line:


Note: The value="4" may be set lower if needed.

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